You’re whisking between appointments, getting home depleted after your commute, stretching time to stay connected with loved ones, and just barely reminding yourself to take that toilet break you needed an hour and a half ago. I want to meet you where you are now by offering you simple and accessible tools that you can build into your day to create pockets of quiet and space.
I always start my group workshops with an activity to collectively build a generous environment for everyone. We all need to co-create as much safety as we can in the time we have. This activity can be extended to any gathering or conversation. So, I put together a ‘Mindful Talk’ conversation guide.
Our bodies are porous to what’s happening around us and the behaviours of others. And with the changes and movements these days, feeling unsettled can be expected. So here are some grounding methods I find myself using to reduce the impact on my nervous system. This is Part 2 of a 3-part series dedicated to the current Isolation period.
Many of us don’t spend enough – or more accurately – enough intentional time with nature and it’s resources. We’re time poor. Our anxiousness keeps us mostly in the comfort of our own home. We’re rushed taking the kids to the park for a quick play before we rush back home. Earthing helps bring about the benefits of restoring internal stability and becoming fully present to yourself and to the moment.
Conflict can be an invitation for all kinds of emotions, triggers, and voices from the past housed within you. But if done with intention and presence, it can invite the opportunity for a deeper understanding of yourself and the other, as well as an imagination for what is possible for your relationships to grow into.
The fog of uncertainty sometimes leads us to retreat and disconnect. So I’m thinking of ways we can gently reach into ourselves and out to others. Choose what is helpful to you and your circumstances, and whatever feels safe and empowering to do at the moment. This is Part 3 of a 3-part series dedicated to the current Isolation period.
Finding out who you are is hard work! And taking permission to slow down and feed yourself, physically and emotionally, is something I aim to encourage participants to put into practice. Especially when they’re used to being caught up in the daily grind and either rush through meals or skip them altogether.
So, I put together tips for mindful eating.
The isolation experience is bringing up all kinds of challenges in the roles I take on as a carer, sibling, art therapist, business owner, community member - you name it. So I thought I’d share some things I’m telling myself and others with you. This is Part 1 of a 3-part series dedicated to the current Isolation period.